What Are The Lottery People Going To Ask Me When I Go Pick Up My PowerBall Winnings?
I’m going to be honest with you. My plan is to defy the odds and win either the PowerBall or the Mega Millions jackpots. People
Lottery Pools That Ended Up Going Wrong
The problem with lottery pools is that the people who organize and join them really don’t expect to win. A bunch of coworkers gets together
Lottery Pools That Paid Off For The Members (with life-changing results for some of them)
I’ve already written a couple of articles in regard to lottery pools. Just as a recap, a lottery pool is when a group of friends
If I Win The PowerBall Jackpot, Do I Also Win The PowerBall Lesser Prizes?
So here’s a scenario for you to ponder: If I win the Powerball jackpot, that means I got 5 numbers correct plus the correct PowerBall
Playing The Lottery as a Member of A Group, a Cautionary Tale
So here’s a cautionary tale about lottery pools that needs telling. Lottery pools can be fun ways for bond-building between friends and coworkers, although the
What Precautions should I take if I Play The Lottery with A Group of People
It’s common practice that friends or coworkers get together and decide to play the lottery as a group. A group of people pool their money
Where The Heck Did Dice Even Come From?
Did you ever wonder where the heck dice came from? I mean, think about it: in what scenario did someone decide that they needed to
Here’s a Different Take on The Lottery: How About Lottery Dice?
I happen to be perusing YouTube and I stumbled upon a very interesting video. A gentleman was demonstrating what he called “Lottery Dice.” The name
I Need To Win SOMETHING, So What About Scratch-Offs?
Obviously, we all know how difficult it is to win the Mega Millions or the PowerBall grand prize. If it were easy, we’d have all
The Moments Leading Up To Time You Find Out You Won the Lottery
As a soon-to-be lottery winner, I often ponder what goes through the minds of huge jackpot winners in those hours leading up to the time
The Largest Jackpot in Human History Goes to a California Player
Joe’s Service Center in Altadena, California was the retailer that sold the largest lottery jackpot in human history. The drawing was held on Tuesday, November
What The Heck Is a Multiplier, Power Play And Mega Play, and How Does it Work?
I wrote this article for my mother. She constantly complains that she doesn’t know how the multipliers work when it comes to the MegaMillions jackpot
You’ve Won A Major Lottery Jackpot, Now Remain Anonymous With A Trust
I like being optimistic. So when I play the lottery I really expect to win. The same is true for you. I expect you to
You’re Not The Only One Who Plays The Lottery. Celebs Do Too!
Here we are, dreaming about living life like the rich and famous, able to go anywhere in the world and experience things we’ve longed to
The Darkest Side of Winning The Lottery
I recently compiled a list of fun facts about the lottery that maybe you weren’t aware of. But for the most part, it was either
Fun Facts about The Lottery That You Didn’t Know
We all think about the lottery (mainly because we all want to win it, DUH!), and quite often we think about the quirky stories we
Here’s What You Need To Do First When You Win a Life-changing Lottery Jackpot
So, you’re planning on winning the Big One. The Powerball and the Mega Millions jackpots are getting so high that people are winning record-setting jackpots.
Weird Ways Lottery Winners Found Their Lucky Numbers
You do have your set of “lucky” lottery numbers? The ones that are going to pop up on your state lottery website when you check
Are You Going To Drive Your Neighbors Broke When You Win The Lottery?
I dream of everything I would do if I win (I mean WHEN I win) the lottery – you must BELIEVE!!) Anyway, I do what
Some of The Ugly Realities About Winning The Lottery
If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you play the lottery and have high hopes of winning. I want you all to win, and I
Some of the More Extravagant (or Absurd) Purchases Made By Lottery Winners
I’ll ask the age-old question once again. It’s a profound question that legitimately requires long, hard, and deep thought. This question requires serious consideration because
Remember: Universe please give good fortune to me, my family, my friends and all those who visit this site and we will do more good to those around us.
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