About Us
Created this site for my Mom and her friends
Created the site for your Mom, thats nice but why?
Many of my family and friends love to play the lottery but my Mom and her friends have taken to a different level.
They talk about numbers all the time, think about numbers, make sure they have all the family members names and birthday correct to play those numbers. They dream about numbers. There other ways but I will leave those alone for now.
With all the ways they have collected the numbers for their favorite past time, they only way to save them has been using notebooks. A bunch of notebooks full of numbers they have amassed over the years. They are not worth anything to anybody else, they have never won big, however they are priceless to them.
Me being a computer guy saw this as a major problem. While I still have a lot more to do, this is a start that they should be able use. All welcome.
One bump of a coffee cup or a playful dog grabbing a notebook and the data is gone.
They would be able to easily send the numbers to each other.
Everyone has email.
It would be easy to go through all the numbers and even mark favorites.
New Ideas
Provide them with new ideas for creating their numbers other than just birthdays and addresses.
Check out the 'Lottery Stories'
The Team

Son/Owner/Dev Team

Son/Research Manager/Lead Writer

Disclaimer: By using this site you understand and agree to the following.
This is NOT a lottery or gambling site.
The number generated here are for entertainment purposes only.
We do not suggest using the randomly generated numbers from this site to play real money games.
If you do, and you lose we are not responsible in any way.